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"All potential entrepreneurs should read this book. It gives a step-by-pitfall account of what they are up against, while encouraging the journey. They can learn from David's experience rather than go into the unknown blindly."
Tim Draper, Draper Fisher Jurvetson

"This book de-mystifies the process of launching a technology startup---and shows that you don't need a huge budget to build serious momentum!"
Frederick M. Hoar, Dean's Executive Professor of Marketing, Santa Clara University

Santa Cruz Sentinel Article, June 11, 2003.

"How refreshing to finally read that, indeed, the emperor wears no clothes. In this terrible market of company implosions, lost investor value, business repositioning and severe throttle-backs, it is an important lesson learned for all of us that not all companies are designed to go public. David's book is right...if management only thinks IPO from the beginning, then the company may be lost. Use this book as a roadmap, and that won't happen to you......"
Mark White, White and Lee

"Great book. I was given this book by the author and have constantly used it everyday since. Here is a book that is extremely useful, creative, fun and informative. It puts what I know from years of failure, read 'experience', into a visual road map for the inexperienced. If you buy it, it will be your road map on what to do."
Richard H Kraus, H&K Ventures

"David has created an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs who are serious about climbing the learning curve to effective management of a startup company. The margin for error in building new businesses has been severely reduced in recent years and an entrepreneur must choose wisely when deciding which path to take their company down. Zero-to-IPO serves as truly valuable resource in helping startups find a path to success. David's book has the potential to help many entrepreneurs get and stay ahead of the game in these hyper-competitive times."
John Williamson, COO & Director of Entrepreneur Coaching, The Enterprise Network (TEN)