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Overview Page

Preparing for your Journey
Figuring out where you are, where you're going and how to get there.

The Long Haul from

Roadmap and travel guide to the each of the four stages of growth.

The Short Sprint from
Zero-to-Asset Sale

Building a company to sell for a profit.

The Slippery Slope to Shutdown
Understanding how a cash crisis develops, how to raise funds, cut costs and avoid bankruptcy.

Valuing the Company
Figuring out what the company is worth.

Negotiating the Deal
Getting what you want through negotiation.

The Fundraising Process
How to raise funds from investors.

Selling the Company
The M&A Process: step-by-step guide to selling your company.

Every Journey Tells a Story
The various routes your journey could take.

Resource Guide
Directories of investors, advisors, agencies & other resources.

Negotiating the Deal watch movie | read endorsements

Whether you’re raising funds from investors, selling the company to an acquirer or selling products to customers, you’re sure to have to go through a negotiation process to close the deal and get what you want. It’s important to understand the process, assemble a savvy team, and be aware of the deal killers—in many cases you’ll find yourself up against seasoned or professional negotiators that know every trick in the book.

No two negotiations are the same—some go through many iterations of counter moves, others need very few; some reach deadlock, others progress to close with hardly a hitch; some take months, others take a matter of minutes. Nevertheless, there is a common process that virtually all negotiations follow.

The reader comes away from this section with a useful understanding of the negotiation process and invaluable tools to deal with virtually any negotiating situation:

  • Switching into sales mode
  • Picking the negotiating team
  • Connecting with the individual, and the team
  • Selecting your negotiating strategy
  • Overcoming deadlock
  • Disengaging without burning your bridges
  • Closing the deal
  • Negotiation tips & techniques